As “Dentanice”, our goal is to bring you the most beautiful and healthiest smile. Orthodontic treatment will give you a more beautiful smile. However, orthodontic treatment allows you to have better function teeth and jaw joint, correcting the relationship of teeth with each other.
Orthodontics is a branch of science of dentistry that deals with the correction of anomalies related to the location of the jaws and teeth using movable or stationary devices.
The dentist specializing in these matters is called “orthodontist”.
Orthodontics is a branch of treatment that deals with the diagnosis, prevention and correction of skeletal and dental problems in the head and neck area. During this treatment, many methods ranging from very simple tongue and palate exercises to porcelain wires, skeletal support systems, lingual brackets attached to the inner sides of the teeth Orthodontics teeth and material can be used. Although the materials and methods used in orthodontic treatment are constantly improving, the principles of treatment do not change. As with all branches of treatment, early diagnosis is the most important step for the prevention and correction of orthodontic disorders.
The best part of orthodontic braces treatment is that it can help people of any age.
Why Do We Need Orthodontics Treatment?
Crossed and poorly positioned teeth, no matter how brushed, it is difficult to clean exactly. Necessarily, food residue remains between the teeth, and therefore often there is a high risk of caries and gum diseases between the teeth. With such gum problems, there is a risk of bone loss and loss of teeth at an early age.
Also closing disorders cause greater pressure on the jaw muscles; they can cause temporomandibular joint problems and thus headache, pain in the back and shoulder. Crossed teeth cause an aesthetically undesirable appearance. Therefore, closing the mouth while laughing is a very common result.
Facial aesthetics are very affected in developmental and congenital problems that occur in the jaws and can cause psychological problems in patients. Also individuals with such malocclusion can not fully close their mouths and experience problems with biting, chewing, breathing.
With orthodontic treatment, you get both an aesthetic appearance, and healthy teeth, gums, joints.

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