Dt. Alparslan Ezber
He was born in Gümüşhane in 1988. He completed his high school education at Yalova Science High School in 2006 and his undergraduate education at Istanbul University Faculty of Dentistry in 2011.
In 2012, he started his doctorate education at Izmir Katip Çelebi University, Faculty of Dentistry, Periodontology, USA. In 2020, he successfully defended his doctoral thesis titled "The effect of Nd:YAG laser use in addition to non-surgical periodontal treatment on clinical and biochemical parameters in chronic periodontitis patients who smoke" and was entitled to receive the title of "doctor of science" and "expert". During his doctoral education, he carried out studies on advanced soft and hard tissue destruction such as gum diseases, non-surgical treatment of gum diseases and gum treatments requiring surgery, implant operations, grafts and membrane applications.
He closely follows congresses and scientific studies on gum diseases, gum surgery and dental implants.
He is married and has two children.